

The Climate Change tends to be the biggest and rapidly growing global problem affecting our aspect in daily life.

The adoption of green habits, ecological awareness, and a change of mindset on environmental issues can be achieved through education and the corresponding stimuli offered from an early age. Environmental knowledge and ecological ‘literacy’ are crucial in developing  sustainable, environmentally friendly attitudes and behaviors. Ecological knowledge and the environmental responsibility of teachers are closely linked to the development of ecological literacy and awareness among students.

In order to develop environmentally responsible, sensitive, and aware citizens who can understand complex environmental needs and adopt green and ecological habits, it is necessary to offer educational opportunities.

The method of implementation, and the effectiveness of the environmental education offered are dependant on the effectiveness and degree of ecological literacy of the teachers themselves.

Our Environmental Program is committed to providing teachers and students of all ages with experimental and experiential education opportunities, educational programs and seminars, practical skills, and tools, thereby enhancing green skills and habits.

The aim of our program is to offer to the participants complete Theoretical and Practical Training on significant Environmental Issues. This includes active participation in innovative actions and activities that allow a deeper understanding of the causes and nature of environmental threats, such as: – Water, air, and soil pollution and their causes

  • The improper use of Plastics
  • Waste management
  • Resources Management
  • Endangered species and Biodiversity

All of the above-mentioned activities will cover the needs of the participating educator’s within the framework of Life Long Learning. At the same time proper training material will be provided making Environmental Education more interesting for the educators and their students, while enriching their knowledge at a personal , as well as a professional level.

With regard to the participating students, with the knowledge acquired, they will become involved from an early age in the need of taking action in protecting the environment and avoiding actions that lead to environmental destruction.

At the same time, the participating young students, by acquiring Environmental Consciousness from an early age, may be an influence for adults to with Environmental Sensitivities and Awareness.

By educating Teachers and Students we intend to contribute to the development of a responsible attitude towards Nature and its protection and to the adoption of habits aimed at sustainability on our planet.