The Training Program For Students

Our Training Program for Students is completed in three (3) phases:

Phase 1 Optional:  Organized by DIAN

Distance Online preparation of the students.

During the first phase, the participating students at least two months before their arrival, will be informed about the unique characteristics of the Samos Island, the History and also the way of life in our days, in a small place, like Samos Island. They will also learn some basic words and phrases in order to be able to communicate in the Greek language with local teenagers and adults during their visit.

Phase 2 Obligatory:  Organized by Archipelagos – Institute of Marine Conservation

Main Part – Live Field Training

The in-person training will take place at the facilities of the Archipelagos – Institute of Marine Conservation, on the island of Samos, and during day cruises with one of Archipelagos boats.

Samos has an area of 477, 62 km2 and a population of about 40.000 inhabitants. The island of Samos, apart from its unique biodiversity and natural characteristics, has a great cultural heritage, having several important archaeological and historical monuments. In ancient times, Samos was home to great personalities, including the world-famous mathematician Pythagoras, the storyteller-writer Aesop, the philosopher Epicurus, and the astronomer Aristarchus.

Due to its geographical location Samos is the natural habitat of a multitude of rare endemic wild species on land and in the sea. The region of Samos is a unique bio-geographical crossroad among three continents: Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Samos is the only island in the Mediterranean that hosts significant populations of rare species (Golden Jackal, Chameleons), while it is also a main point and passage for hundreds of protected and endangered migratory birds. The marine world of Samos is characterized by unique biodiversity, including some of the most important remaining species of marine mammals and turtles in the Mediterranean, while it is home to a wide range of protected marine ecosystems, such as the sea-grass beds, the Poseidonia meadows, and coral reefs.

For the detailed daily Educational Obligatory Program for students, click here

Phase 3 Optional : Organized by DIAN

Follow-up activities to complete our Educational Program.

The organizers of the “Environmental Education & Training for  Students” have prepared and completed an especially designed online platform facilitating the exchange of ideas, knowledge, good practices, and the communication between participants.

Participants, having first attended and participated in the Educational Program, are entitled to register and visit the platform and form an e-Community and provide a channel of communications among the participating students.

The platform will also provide information and Promotion of Scientific Actions, and Works, Articles, and Initiatives on Environmental Issues, resulting in the attainment of Life-long Learning.

The platform will also give a chance to students from different schools, and will keep them in contact in order to exchange ideas and to organize common activities, promoting educational or voluntary actions aiming towards the protection of the environment on a local, national and international level.

The platform will remain active for 12 months every year and will be updated monthly.